Advocate for your colleagues—join Staff Senate 2019-20

Be engaged in the Augsburg community by serving on Staff Senate! For the upcoming 2019–20 school year, there are four Staff Senate seats available: three elected positions and one at-large position. If you’d like to become a senator or nominate a colleague, complete the nomination form by Friday, March 29.  Nominees will be contacted by April 3rd and the election will be live from April 4–11.

All nominees will be contacted before a selection is made. The selected candidate will be notified by April 30 and announced at the Spring Social on May 21.

Staff Senate Nomination Form

Staff Senate Membership

Augsburg University Staff Senate is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers for a two-year term and two at-large members to be chosen, in every instance, by Staff Senate. All Staff Senate members have the option to serve a third year.

Election Procedures

Nomination Rights: Nominations are collected through the online form. An online survey will be distributed for the election of the two open positions and Staff Senate will select the at-large member. Composition of Staff Senate: It is recommended that members be at least .75 FTE, regardless of exempt or non-exempt status.

Any questions please contact us at